MISSION STATEMENT: To recognize our vocation as children of God, “to love Him above all things and our neighbor as ourselves;” discern our Baptismal call to be and live like Jesus; conduct our lives as His sisters and brothers, sons and daughters of Mary, Mother of God and Our Mother, whose apparitions as Our Lady of Guadalupe, left us her wonderful image - as described in the Book of Revelation - on the Tilma of St. Juan Diego. We further resolve to persevere in making known Our Lady’s story and follow her direction, to “do whatever He tells you,” by:
Making a sincere effort to pray the Rosary daily;
Attending Mass as often as possible;
Doing good works at every opportunity;
Being consistent in our approach to educate everyone about Our
Lady by providing literature, audio tapes, videos and books;
Promoting a community of prayer through Novenas, Rosaries and other Guadalupana and Marian commemorative activities;
Collaborating with likeminded church ministries;
Providing venues to enlighten the populace on all aspects of the Guadalupe story.
The Society was established to promote the role of Our Lady of Guadalupe in our parish and community so that all members join together in mutual love, grow spiritually and bring the parish family and all mankind to recognize Our Lady as the Patroness/Mother of the Americas.
Our Lady of Guadalupe Society - members of which are referred toas Guadalupanos - meets in the Parish Hall following the 9:30 Mass on the first Sunday of each month. Membership is open to all parishioners and others, who venerate our Blessed Mother and are in accord with the By-Laws of the organization. The Society is governed by its duly elected officers, President, Vice President, Secretary and Treasurer.
We encourage new members and welcome all to join us each First Sunday. For further questions or more details, please contact Olivia Cordova, 505-203-6136.